The Jury


Jim Corr

In one sense Jim could be considered a kind of Godfather of alternative media in Ireland. For the first decade of the new millenium he ran a popular website which served as both a news aggregator and knowledge resource for content not covered in the media. These days his Twitter feed is a useful reference for those trying to navigating an endless stream of mainstream media misdirection.
In his spare time Jim plays guitar in a rock band.


John Waters

Author and social commentator, John Waters´ latest book "Give us Back the Bad Roads" is an éxpose on the mainstream media in Ireland based on his own experience working as a journalist in The Irish Times for 14 years. Other books include "An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Modern Ireland" (1997) and "Was it for this? Why Ireland lost the plot" (2012). Currently writes a fortnightly essay for the American magazine of religion in the public square, First Things. He is a Permanent Research Fellow at the Center for Ethics and Culture, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.


Tracey O´Mahony

Free speech advocate and barrister-at-law, Tracey is one of the leading activists to emerge in opposition to a proposed law restricting political speech in Ireland. Her own political commentary can be found on her YouTube channel which has several presentations in which she breaks down the consequences of the impending removal of some of our most fundamental liberties.